Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Foolishness of Unbelief Part 3 – Conclusion and Video summery

After two years of reading, listening, and engaging in debates on the Transcendental Argument for the existence of God (TAG) in Presuppositional Apologetics, I’ve concluded that Presuppositional Apologetics is one of the best, if not the best, apologetic methods for the faith. I’ve searched high and low to find a counter atheistic/agnostic argument to TAG by some of the most outspoken and “educated” atheists out there and they have all fallen short. In my encounter with an old friend and ex-believer (Part 2), the best refutation he could give (which is not a refutation at all) is that he could not be sure about anything (no absolutes) including rational thinking and even knowing his own existence. How does one argue with someone that cannot even be sure if they exist? This is from a person that I used to hold in high regard as a rational thinker and a good debater. It takes a lot of effort to suppress the Truth, but at least he is being consistent. Another old friend and ex-believer, who also is now a self-proclaiming agnostic, said he found my “line of thinking intellectually dishonest and laden with hubris.” Yet in the very next sentence he states, “My thoughts on this matter are tenuous and uncertain and I can live with that uncertainty...” Sigh... how is one to seriously respond to such a response?

These men have chosen not to refute my arguments, but have chosen to accuse me of being arrogant by assuming I’m already correct and cannot be wrong in my argumentation. This is not the case at all. All one needs to do to refute TAG is give a rational and meaningful reason, that is not arbitrary and that does not borrow from the Christian worldview, of why one can use the laws of logic to discover Truth. They, and those like them, are offended at the fact that as a believer in the one True God I have a rational standard and reason for logical thinking and argumentation. As Part 1 and Part 2 demonstrate, they are left with no meaningful and authoritative standard for anything to be rationally sound outside the belief in the One Truth God.

After two years of listening to bad argumentation in an attempt to refute TAG, I will be leaving my studies of TAG and perusing more profitable pursuits. With that, I leave you with this video by Doug Powell which is a short summery of TAG.

If the above video does not work, go to this link.

1 comment:

LoveOneAnother said...

Sorry, Eric, but this whole TAG thing still does not make sense to me. He claims that inductive logic does not work without God? He appears to have no concept of the scientific method, probability theory, or statistical mathematics. I'm a firm believer in God, but this kind of junk-think embarrasses me.